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Touchline CP375 DUO with folding unit

Touchline CP375 DUO and TCF375

Stop perforating in both directions is one of the main features of the Touchline CP375 DUO. In combination with the Touchline TCF375 creasing and folding unit, even more complex jobs can be carried out easily and in a single operation; stop perforating, creasing and folding in both directions in an impressively efficient manner.

Touchline CP375 DUO with folding unit


  • Rillen, Perforieren und Falzen in einem Arbeitsgang
  • Einfache Bedienung mit Touchscreen
  • Automatischer Jobwechsel ohne Werkzeug
  • Stapelanleger und Saugbandeinzug
  • Flexibles Auslagesystem
  • Doppelbogenkontrolle
  • Bis zu vier Perforierköpfe für die Längsperforation möglich


  • Feeder capacity:
    180 mm
  • Paper stocks:
    80-300 g/m2 oder bis max. 0.4 mm
  • Electrical connection:
    100-240 V, 50/60 Hz

Subject to technical modifications and errors.

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